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Frequently Asked Questions for Parents

Where can I find online math practice and assigments (5th grade)?

Follow this link to our 5th grade program, VMath. This program includes games to reinforce math facts and basic concepts, as well as review videos if they need to brush up on a specific topic. Each 5th grade student has a unique login, which is on the inside flap of their yellow homework folder. If you have misplaced your login, just email me and I can send it to you.

How do I find the online math program (Grades 1-4)?

If students have misplaced their paper homework assignments, they can be downloaded from the enVision student website. If you are not sure which assignment it is, or if you misplaced your login (normally on inside of yellow folder) please email me.

Your child can also access math fact practice for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through games and other activities at the Xtramath websiteThis login is also located on the inside of your child's yellow homework folder.

Can my child still receive special education services when they go to middle school?

Yes, absolutely. It is arranged a little differently because students have several classes each day rather than one homeroom. Sometime during the spring of your child's 5th grade year you will be invited to a transition IEP meeting with myself and staff from the Foothills Middle School to discuss the specifics of what special education support will look like for your child in middle school.

My kid is having a hard time with a project. Are you available to give them some extra help?

Some of the larger projects can be a bit overwhelming for some students - especially the 4th grade mission project and the 5th grade state report. I am usually in my classroom (at the big school) by 7:15 on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I'm glad to help out then. Just double check with me to make sure I'm there before you drop your child off.

I'm having a hard time finding books at my child's reading level. Do you have any suggestions?

When students are reading independently, it is important to give them books that will not be frustrating for them. Email me if you would like current information on your child's exact reading grade level or lexile score. If you provide that information, our librarian Mrs. Brown, or the staff at the Arcadia Public Library can help you find something your child will enjoy. The public library has books, magazines, audio books, and eBooks available.


...also, please remember that when your child is reading it is a great idea to pause them from time to time to have them retell you the part of the story that they have just read, or ask them what they were picturing in their head while they were reading.

Why is the reading homework the same every week?

Yes, the reading homework for many of my students is similar, but with new stories each week. The purpose of these assignments is to get the students to slow down when they read and pay attention to the camera in their head that is creating a picture of what is happening in the story. If students practice this enough, they will visualize the story every time they read without even trying. If they can learn to visualize a story well, they will understand and remember it much better. I tell the students that this is like a basketball player practicing free throws over and over again, so that they can build muscle memory and make shots easily. The more you practice, the more automatic it becomes.

I think we need to make a change to my child's IEP. Do we have to wait until their yearly meeting?

Changes can be made to the IEP at any time. This is done by gathering the IEP team for an amendment meeting to come to an agreement about how the child's educational plan needs to be adjusted. If you think a change needs to be made before the annual IEP meeting, please give me a call or send me an email.

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